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Gary P. Posner, M.D.
Tampa, Florida
(E-mail link at bottom of page)



Skeptical Odysseys
Chapter in
Skeptical Odysseys
'Face' on Mars
Cover Story in
Nov/Dec 2000
Skeptical Inquirer

Contributed Chapter
on the Cash-Landrum
UFO-Radiation Case
Tampa Bay Skeptics
Founder, Editor,
Executive Director
Encyc. of Pseudoscience
"Police Psychics" Chapter
in SKEPTIC Encyclopedia
of Pseudoscience
Psychic Sleuths
Contributed Chapter
on Noreen Renier
in Psychic Sleuths
Medical Consultant
for James Randi's
 The Faith Healers 



This website, as well as that of the Tampa Bay Skeptics, were created several decades ago largely to help satisfy the media's demand for skeptical sources of information on paranormal and fringe-science topics. I certainly mean no offense to anyone or their beliefs.

I actually grew up believing in all sorts of paranormal phenomena, especially UFOs. It wasn't until I was in my 20s that I was introduced to the concept of "critical thinking" and began to realize that perhaps I had been misled in my youth. The story of this process of discovery is the subject of my chapter in Skeptical Odysseys.

My mind remains open to the unlikely possibility that paranormal phenomena are real after all. All I seek are the actual facts, which, as I have learned, can often be disillusioning. But I have found that the thrill of discovering the genuine wonders of the universe, as revealed by science, more than compensates.

I realize that most people hold supernatural beliefs of their own and may not be interested in opening their minds, as I did, to the possibility that they also may have been misled. And that's fine. But please consider reading Daniel Loxton's elegant essay about what he terms the "beauty . . . to be seen in skepticism's noble tradition of necessary service."


   Noreen Renier    
    My interview with    
    leading UFO skeptic    
   Philip J. Klass    
    My metamorphosis    
    from "believer"    
   to "skeptic"    
    Why I resigned from    
    Skeptical Inquirer    
    Medicine and    
   Alternative Med    
    commentary on    
   Climate Alarmism    
    "Face on Mars"    
   Richard Hoagland    

Acupuncture   •   Alternative Medicine   •   George Anderson   •   Astrology   •   Art Bell   •   Randolph Byrd
Cancel Culture   •   Cash-Landrum UFO   •   Jerome Clark   •   Climate Alarmism   •   Larry Dossey   •   Peter Duffie
Face on Mars   •   Faith Healing   •   Gulf Breeze UFOs   •   Monty Hall Three-Door Paradox   •   Richard Hall (NICAP)
George Hansen   •   "Healing Words"   •   Richard Hoagland   •   J. Allen Hynek   •   Philip J. Klass   •   "Amazing" Kreskin
Virginia Levy   •   Medicine   •   John Monti   •   Monty Hall Three-Door Paradox   •   Open-Mindedness   •   Past Lives
Peter Popoff   •   Prayer Studies   •   Psychic Detectives   •   Noreen Renier   •   Isadore Rosenfeld   •   Sex Differences
Talking to the Dead   •   Marcello Truzzi   •   UFO Abductions   •   James Van Praagh   •   Weeping Icon

Also . . .

My aborted political blog

And my non-appearance
on Law & Order
(as a murderer!)


  © 1995-2025 
Gary P. Posner