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Putting a Better Face on the
"Face" on Mars
Gary P. Posner
In my November/December 2000 cover article "The Face Behind the 'Face' on Mars: A Skeptical
Look at Richard C. Hoagland," the NASA photos of the so-called "Face" were, regrettably, not as enhanced as other
available NASA images.
The cover photo (also used on page 21) was the ubiquitous "Face" image from the 1976
Viking mission
The 1998 Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) image used in the article was, for technical reasons (related to the way NASA's mapping was
being carried out), somewhat "stretched" along the "Face's" vertical axis. I had previously seen both this image and NASA's
stretch-reduced version, but never together, and not until a reader (George J. Haas of
The Cydonia Institute)
complained did I appreciate the difference. Figures 2a and 2b show both the Jay Leno-ish version we used
and the one that more faithfully shows the "Face's" true proportions. Mea culpa.
NASA has also published a "light-reversed" version of the same photo, to more closely simulate the Viking photo's lighting
conditions. Some have remarked that this version does indeed look a bit more like a head, though that of a lion rather than a
humanoid. (See below re: Hoagland's and Art Bell's subsequent lies about this
Mark Kelly, a graphic artist, has performed additional "enhancements" to this image (e.g., slightly repositioning some
features and adding shading around the "eyes"), thus exaggerating its humanoid qualities. Not surprisingly, Richard Hoagland's
"Enterprise Mission" Web site refers to Kelly's creation as the "properly processed and ortho-rectified version" of the photo,
i.e., presumably showing the "Face" as it really looks. You compare and judge
(see figures 3a and 3b).
Figure 1a Viking 1976 #35A72 |
Figure 1b Viking 1976 #70A13 |
Figure 2a MGS 1998 "stretched" |
Figure 2b MGS 1998 rectified |
Figure 3a MGS 1998 light-reversed |
Figure 3b by Mark Kelly (from this page) |
In my article's opening paragraph, I myopically referred to "Cydonia" as if it encompassed merely the few hundred square miles of terrain containing the "Face" and the other "monuments." Cydonia is actually much vaster, and though the area around the "Face" was of no interest to NASA, the far northern portion of Cydonia was initially the preferred landing site for Viking 2, being about as close as a lander could get (due to the mission's latitude constraints) to the edge of the North Polar Cap, and thus to the possibility of encountering atmospheric water. Ultimately, however, the terrain appeared too rugged to risk a landing there.
Hoagland associate Michael Bara, whose vitriolic response to my article is featured on the "Enterprise Mission" Web site, argues that the "Face" is situated in what was likely an ancient Martian ocean, and is thus (contrary to my article's opening remarks) an excellent place to search for traces of past life. However, I understand the prevailing informed opinion (though not unanimous) to have been, both at the time of the Viking mission and Mars Global Surveyor, that Cydonia was most likely never an ocean, and that its features are the result of erosion by other forces (e.g., wind) rather than water.
Bara also says that Hoagland didn't write any of the words attributed to him in the promotional material for the Sierra Leone
Mars stamp set
And Bara decries my admittedly ridiculous "earthlings
The model that I am most comfortable with now is that the human race is a lot older-- a lot more extraordinary-- than we have ever been told. And the fact [is] that we once used to live all over the solar system-- that the extraterrestrials are our guys. We're the guys that built the stuff on Mars. . . and the stuff that we think we are now seeing on [our own moon and on] the moons of Jupiter.. . . There is so much that we are now getting glimmers of.. . . [My next book] is going to be called The Heritage of Mars: Remembering Forever,* because my thesis now, based on almost 20 years of doing this [research]. . . is "history is not as we've been told.". . . It has been carefully manipulated so we are not allowed to see this breathtaking heritage, because it would not benefit a few who are in control. . . and who want us to live this diminished existence not knowing who we really are because, frankly, it would threaten the power structure.
Two additional clarifications: A reader has informed me that the split between Hoagland and Chuck Harder was not permanent, and that Hoagland has been a frequent guest on Harder's radio program during the past few years. I have also learned that NASA's Lewis Research Center was renamed some time ago in honor of John Glenn.
[Late note: For anyone who thinks the above "We're the guys that built the stuff on Mars" blockquoted paragraph is too bizarre to have been anything other than an invention of mine, I assure you that it is verbatim. The audio of that night's broadcast (and all the others of that era) was available for months thereafter on the program's website (including at the time of my writing), but unfortunately it no longer is, nor can I find it preserved on the Internet Archive. But his next book (titled Dark Mission rather than The Heritage of Mars) leads the reader to that very conclusion (see pp. 599-600 of its 2009 Expanded Edition).]
On the night of May 25-26, 2001, at about six minutes into his nightly Coast to Coast A.M.
radio program heard by millions across the country, host Art Bell said the following about paragraph four
in my above column (Richard Hoagland was his guest that night):
From Bell's inflection, as well as his use of Hoagland's full name (including middle initial), it is unmistakably clear that
he intended to convey that my quoted words ended with "ridiculous," rather than with "humanoid"
one sentence earlier. Continuing Bell's comment:
As a matter of fact, one of Richard's harshest critics, as well as mine and many others in this kind of business, would be
my good friends at the Skeptical Inquirer. Well, Gary Posner of the Skeptical Inquirer, incredibly, in
his May/June 2001 article [i.e., the above follow-up column] said, quote, "Some have remarked that this version
And you don't frequently ever hear that from the Skeptical Inquirer. The concept that Richard should be
ridiculed for what he said, according to the Skeptical Inquirer, is ridiculous.
Here he articulated the word "ridiculous" so slowly that, again, there can be no question of his intent to sound as if he was
quoting me, which of course he was not.
Beginning at about 15:30 into the program, the following byplay took place:
Bell to Hoagland: The Skeptical Inquirer never-- almost never-- retracts anything it ever says. And they noted, in their May/June edition, that indeed you should not be ridiculed for stating the new Face on Mars photo shows an eastern-side lion head. Uh, they actually went out of their way to say, in essence, that they would agree-- they might agree. Well, they didn't say that, but they said you shouldn't be ridiculed. They just never say that. So, what did they know. . . ?Hoagland: In December, they did a "hit piece" on me. On the cover they did a "slash and burn" piece
. . . *Bell: Yes, but to come back with this retraction, Richard, what could they have known?
Hoagland: Well, I think they had a heads-up.
Bell: The Skeptical Inquirer people?
Hoagland: I had a dinner, about a year ago in Pasadena, with a very wealthy individual [who] was interested in investing in Cydonia research.
. . . And [he] regaled me the entire evening with the strength and the depth of his contacts at JPL [NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena].. . . And he suddenly. . . says, "One of my deep contacts at the lab has informed me that the reason NASA has not released new data"-- this is a year ago now-- "is because the right-hand side of this creature is definitely a lion, and they don't know what the public reaction will be."
Re: the above Hoagland anecdote, note how, in response to Bell's question as to who gave me the heads-up that led to my
And the most amazing thing is Gary Posner's reaction. I mean, the Skeptical Inquirer can never be considered a prejudiced source in favor of our model, right? For him to say that I shouldn't be ridiculed for proposing this, I believe, and the reason they did the retraction, is they had an inside track from the political side-- not the NASA side, but the political side-- that there is a "Face" on Mars, it does have dual [humanoid-lion] imagery, and we're going to go there physically and find out what it means with a manned mission.
Subsequent to publication of my above column, on April 8, 2001, NASA obtained the
highest-resolution photo yet taken of
the Martian landform in question, in which it does not appear face-like at all
Yet, incredibly, Hoagland added (at about 34 minutes into the show) that even if this latest NASA photo "had shown
But, as Hoagland added later in the show, a Mars mission planned for 2005 will carry "a camera which is going to give us a
few-inch resolution
*The Heritage of Mars: Remembering Forever was instead published under the title Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA (co-authored by Hoagland and Mike Bara). In it (2009 Expanded Edition) they write:
Well, maybe when viewed with Hoagland's sort of objectivity!
Critics, like Skeptical Inquirer's Gary Posner (in a vicious personal attack published in that magazine in 2001), have
We've actually been viewing the "Face" upside down!