January 3, 2000
Letter to the Editor
As one who reviewed Dr. Larry Dossey's groundbreaking book, "Healing Words," for the Summer 1994
issue of "Skeptical Inquirer" (review available at www.gpposner.com/Healing_Words.html), I read with fascination Dr. Sierpina's review of
Dossey's latest book in the Dec. 22/29 JAMA. Beyond my previous review, I would only add the sentiment that, in his next book, Dr. Dossey
expand his horizons to at least touch upon the field of dentistry. After all, the Tooth Fairy's crucial role in dental development has been
shortchanged (to put it mildly) in the professional literature, and could use a champion.
--Gary P. Posner, M.D.
Return to Posner's review of Healing Words
Journal of the American Medical Assn. (JAMA)
515 N. State Street
Chicago, IL 60610
Contributing Editor, The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine
Tampa, FL