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By Gary P. Posner, M.D.
In contrast to its sister newsmagazine Dateline NBC, best known for
having phonied a fiery truck crash last year to punch-up a story, Now is
fronted by NBC's top news personalities: Tom Brokaw and Katie Couric. So
when Fischer asked if I would do an interview for broadcast, I humbly
suggested that she first contact the Committee
for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) and Free Inquiry to see
if they might be able to provide instead a nationally recognized authority.
Fischer called back days later to tell me that she had been put in touch
with CSICOP Fellow Dr. Wallace Sampson, who told her about a doctor
Posner in Florida who had written a terrific article for Free Inquiry. I
agreed to do the show.
Fischer rushed me a copy of the embarrassingly naive Healing Words,
which I spent the weekend
Curiously, in spite of his own skepticism of the study's results,
Dossey writes: "If the technique being studied had been a new drug or a
surgical procedure instead of prayer, it would almost certainly have been
heralded as some sort of 'breakthrough.'" Perhaps so if the claim had been
something fairly mundane. But when a researcher claims to have proven
something supernatural, that's another story. Remember the media hype
over "cold fusion" a few years ago? The scientific community quite
properly maintained an extremely skeptical attitude. And, of course, that
supernatural claim seems to have been imaginary.
Dossey also says: "Even some hard-boiled skeptics agreed [at the
time] on the significance of the study's findings." But that just goes to
show that even "skeptics" are sometimes not skeptical enough. There's a
generally accepted principle in science that the more extraordinary the
claim, the more extraordinary the proof required to support it. And not
only is that degree of proof lacking in this study, it seems lacking in every
human study of prayer to date.
Dossey builds his case largely upon anecdotes and the work of
parapsychologists, and appears to accept their supernatural claims at face
value. This is very dangerous. Almost invariably, when "hard-boiled
skeptics," as Dossey calls us, dissect parapsychology studies
Dossey says: "We do not know how spiritual healing works.
I would have been more than happy to have had the opportunity to
say those words and nothing more. But several days later Fischer called
back to inform me that, although she was very sorry, NBC didn't want to
pay to fly a crew to Florida to interview me. She did, however, express
general agreement with my comments, and noted that her own staff had
already recognized the significance of Dossey's reliance upon
parapsychology. And in our previous conversation, she had told me how
much the segment's correspondent, Dennis Murphy, had liked my Free
Inquiry article. Maybe they would interview Dr. Sampson, she said, when
they soon returned to California on other business.
The segment, one of three during the hour-long program, aired on
March 30. It showed a leukemia patient who had beaten overwhelming
odds: "Look at me. I'm living proof of what prayer can do." Correspondent
Murphy referred to Dossey's discovery of "130 laboratory studies, more
than half of which, [Dossey] says, prove prayer works." Unmentioned was
that his sources were primarily parapsychology journals. Faith-healers
were endorsed. And so on
Dr. Sampson had indeed been interviewed, but only, it turns out, for
use as a prop to be dispatched with as one might swat away a gnat. Having
spent an hour before the camera, only 3 1/2 sentences (and not his ace
material) survived editing. Introducing him as chairman of the National
Council Against Health Fraud, Murphy may have created the false
impression that Sampson equates prayer with "fraud." Murphy then tells
the pre-Easter-week audience, "And guess what. Like many doctors, he
doesn't buy the prayer study in the cardiac ward," which was referred to
as "the most staggering of all" (unlike most, this study was from a medical
journal). But neither Murphy nor Dossey even hinted that within his own
book Dossey acknowledges that the study had actually "missed the mark.
Immediately after the show aired, I faxed a note to Fischer which
read in part:
Shame on them.
[Note: A version of this article appears in the
Summer 1994 issue of Free Inquiry.]
Listen to my 35-minute presentation on prayer and healing at a national conference in 2001
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Last December (1993) I received a telephone call from Liz Fischer, a
producer with NBC-TV's weekly newsmagazine Now [which has since been absorbed
by Dateline NBC], who was working on
a story about Dr. Larry Dossey and his new book, Healing Words: The
Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine. Dossey had begun his research after
hearing of a study claiming that
cardiac care unit patients who are prayed for do better than others who
are not. In his book, Dossey cites a Spring 1990 Free Inquiry magazine
article in which I critiqued
the CCU study and found it wanting. That's precisely why Now wanted me.
I was surprised to see how critical Dossey himself was of the CCU
study. In fact, he found several shortcomings that even I hadn't
"Now" I understand why my input was not desired. You squandered
a prime opportunity to teach the nation a sorely needed lesson in critical
(my discussion of this TV program begins at 00:25 of Part 2)